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We have a lot of musical talent that enhance our weekly worship: Joel Sundseth, pianist, Dominic Hartjes, choir director,  BMPC mixed choir, Cedar Lake Seven Men’s Gospel Choir and the blue grass band Sweeter than Cedar.

Everyone is welcome in worship and children are included in a variety of ways. Our Youth Group is led by Gracie Snow and their activities include: snow camp, Lock Ins, going to the state fair.


A committed group of folks meet each week during the program year (Sept. to May) in hybrid format to read and discuss books about spirituality and current issues.





Deacons provide a ministry of care and hospitality. Deacons coordinate fellowship events and
tend to those in our community who may need help  with meals or transportation. We offer this help for those with health issues, welcoming a new baby or experiencing grief.


We support a variety of mission programs through the Presbyterian Church (USA) and in our community including St. Anne’s Place Shelter and the EveryMeal program.






​Music is strong suit at BMPC we are blessed to have a fine pianist and strong congregational singing and several vocal groups that add to the strengthe of our worship.


​​During the program year (September through May) our mixed choir rehearses on Wednesday evenings from 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. and typically sings two Sundays a month. Anyone who enjoys singing is encourage to join the group on Wednesday nights.​​


Choir Calendar >

Cedar Lake Seven​​

Cedar Lake Seven are an outreach mission of BMPC. The CL7 is a men’s gospel choir sings in worship from time to time and goes into the community to bring music and stories to nursing homes and retirement communities.

Adult Education​​

For years a faithful group of folks have met each Sunday during the school year to read and discuss books of interest to the group. This is a hybrid group with some gathering at the church on Sunday mornings at 9:15 and some zooming in from home. Leadership is shared and occasionally the group has an author join the discussion.


September 8, 2024 through May 18, 2025
Topics, discussion leaders, and dates include:

  • Sept. 8 - Oct. 13: What makes you come alive: A spiritual walk with Howard Thurman, by Lerita Coleman Brown - led by Reid Mortensen

  • Oct. 30 - Nov. 17, Dec. 1 (no class Nov. 24): Jesus and John Wayne: How White evangelicals corrupted a faith and fractured a nation, by Kristin Kobes du Mez - led by Sally Neverman

  • Dec. 8: "Slavery and commodity chains," article by Vincent Miller - led by Mike Thieleman

  • Dec. 15: "The gift economy," article by Robin Wall Kimmerer - led by Brian PaStarr

  • Dec. 22 & 29: No class

  • Jan. 5 - Feb. 16 (no class church retreat weekend): How the word is passed: A reckoning with the history of slavery across America, by Clint Smith - led by Laura Kadwell

  • Feb. 23 - March 30: Rest is resistance: Free yourself from grind culture and reclaim your life, by Tricia Hersey - led by Mike Thieleman

  • April 6 - 13 and April 27 - May 18 (no class April 20): The serviceberry: Abundance and reciprocity in the natural world, by Robin Wall Kimmerer and John Burgoyne. OR Voices in the stones: Life lessons in the Native way, by Kent Nerburn - led by Brian PaStarr


Mission Possible​​

Every Meal Weekend Food Program

Every Meal grew out of the need to get food to school children that do not have enough to eat at home and facilitated a partnership between our church and our neighborhood schools: Bryn Mawr Elementary School and Anwatin Middle School. Learn more and Volunteer.


One Great Hour of Sharing/Silent Auction

Each year late spring, BMPC supports One Great Hour of Sharing, a special offering of the Presbyterian church that provides disaster relief, supports the self-development of people and hunger ministries. BMPC organizes an annual auction of time and talents where members offer things like home-cooked meals, art, babysitting, motor cycle trips and a monarch butterfly school for the kids.


St. Anne’s Place

BMPC has supported St. Anne’s Place – a temporary shelter for women and children. We offer financial support, provide a monthly Sunday meal, ordered and delivered by volunteers, and provide volunteer support for their annual Santa Night.

Children and Youth​

We have small tables and chairs in the sanctuary so that children can experience worship and keep busy with coloring, origami and fidgets. We include a time for children during each service. Each year we put together a pretty fantastic Christmas Pageant and the children spend weeks preparing their parts. Sometimes worship is particularly geared to the young people. One of the gifts of our church is the intergenerational connections made within our community.

We have a Director of Youth Ministries who meets regularly with your youth for fellowship and outings. Special events include: camping, lock ins at the church, and snow camp at our presbyterian camp Clearwater Forest.​


Our board of deacons offer hospitality and care. They coordinate our fellowship time, fall picnic, Ash Wednesday Suppers and our annual meeting lunch. They visit folks, send flowers and coordinate meals when someone has a new baby, or surgery or has had a death in the family.

Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church

420 S Cedar Lake Rd
Minneapolis, MN 55405 612.377.5222

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